Victoria 2 how to increase jingoism
Victoria 2 how to increase jingoism

victoria 2 how to increase jingoism victoria 2 how to increase jingoism

The event used to decrease infamy is the “Liberty Prevails” event (event ID 18540). Just enter debug alwaysreform into the console, then enter researchpoints 100000(just as an example, you can only have 25000 at one time I think) then you just keep clicking the westernization reforms until you can actually click the westernized button. How do I add research points in Victoria 2? Add Wargoal -> Acquire State (pick another state).POPs embrace jingoism readily when at war AND having little or no WE. You’ll have all the jingoism you an choke on. Get into a war and keep war exhaustion minimal or at zero. Victoria II will run on PC system with XP/Vista/Windows7 and upwards.

Victoria 2 how to increase jingoism